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Gta 4 Windows X32 Iso Torrent Full Build


This blog post will go over how I'm going to be playing GTA 4 on my computer. I will explain how to download it, install it, and get the game ready to play. This method works with all versions of Windows operating system including Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. This tutorial is compatible with both 32-bit systems and 64-bit systems. Before starting this tutorial please ensure that you have an internet connection so that you can download GTA 4 setup files from the internet onto your computer. The Windows operating system should also be installed before starting this tutorial. In order to play GTA 4 on your computer you will need to have hardware supporting the graphics requirements, at least a 1.5 GHz dual core processor, 1 GB of RAM, and a DirectX10 compatible graphics card. In order to play the game you will need a copy of the free edition of VirtualBox from Oracle. VirtualBox is a free software package that allows users to create virtual machines in which they can install an operating system in it and run it as if it were running on their actual computer. You can download this software by visiting Oracle's official website using the following link: https://www.virtualbox. org/wiki/Downloads. Once you have VirtualBox installed on your computer you will need to go to and download the setup files for GTA 4 on your computer. To begin, download the setup file for Windows 7 64bit onto your computer then launch VirtualBox that was installed earlier. From there click New at the top of the screen to create a new virtual machine, make sure it's created as an Operating System along with the name I recommend using is "Grand Theft Auto IV - Windows 7". Next create a virtual hard drive for the operating system we just created; we will need to give it at least 4 GB of space for GTA 4. Click the button labeled Hard Drive and make sure it's created as dynamically allocated and named "GTA IV". Before finishing setup you will need to install operating system by clicking on the folder icon next to where it says ISO, navigate to where you downloaded GTA 4 setup files then select Windows 7.iso. Then click Start and wait for VirtualBox to finish installing Windows 7 onto your computer. Next we will need to install the Microsoft DirectX end-user runtime onto our operating system. We will need this especially if you do not own an up to date graphics card for your computer. Click Devices on the top of the screen and then click CD/DVD Drive, name it GTA IV Disc and set the Type to Empty. Click Start on VirtualBox and navigate to where you downloaded Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer using Google Chrome or Firefox and double click it then follow the installation process until it's finished. GTA 4 requires a minimum of 1. cfa1e77820


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